Microsoft AntiSpy.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack
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I have one computer running the original Giant software.

Two other running in the last few days the beta1 release.

Taking into consideration that this is a beta1 release I really do not think
that there is a place for Bickering to do about, the differences are really

There is always few of the Avid Anti -Microsoft that post on Public BBS' the
Regular Childish slogans and misinformation. As one that is familiar well
with this culture of Public BBS' (Forums), I can state that Microsoft
AntiSpy is really getting a Good response.

Howver, two real issues are brought up.

One issue that comes most often is whether it will stay a free Application
updated freely or will become a Fee Service.

I think that the sooner Microsoft will announce it intentions concerning
this is the better it will be.

The second issue is concerning a form of Network Control over the functions
of the Application (or a similar application that is network oriented).

Giant acknowledged few months ago that they would work on the network aspect
in 2005. A statement from Microsoft concerning this issue will be most
welcomed by many users.

I would like to know whether this going to be free or not either. We already
invested in Windows when we bought our PC, or upgraded from previous
version. We should not have to pay extra for problems caused by
architectural problems w/in Windows itself.
I do not think the cost structure has been determined, or at least released
Do not be to quick to blame spyware on "architectural problems", much is
easily preventable by common sense safe computing.
-----Original Message-----
I do not think the cost structure has been determined, or at least released
Do not be to quick to blame spyware on "architectural problems", much is
easily preventable by common sense safe computing.

Well, you are right there. Common sense, and care while
suring the internet does help prevent 99% of the possible
adware infections.

Afterall, since I switched to Firefox, I've not seen a
single report of spyware during my weekly scans, and even
the MS scanner only picked up three things, two being
applications I use (RealVNC, and I forget the other) and
two bookmarks in my favorites folder).

On the other hand, before I switched, I was cleaning
several different pieces of spyware from my system every week.

Yup, common sense tells us that using Microsoft web
browsers leads to spyware.

Eric the Grey
I do not find any spyware when I use Microsoft.
So to use logic similar to what you used, one of us is using Microsoft
browsers wrong.
Instead of attempting to blame one or the other, you may be better off
determining what you are doing differently otherwise you may eventually have
similar problems with whatever you use.
Cudo's Jack, All I'm seeing is complaining about a typo,
or spelling, goodness, its Beta1. Anyhow, as an
Enterprise Systems Engineer, I can't wait to see th ADM or
group policy template (which is the route I HOPE they
take) for pushing this out and centrally admining it.
Just like they have with the SUS client. This would be a
god send to control all this on the policy side and base
it upon different OU's/Business Structures and needs. I
look forward to seeing some Alpha/Beta snippets for the
corporate side.
Instead of attempting to blame one or the other, you may be better off
determining what you are doing differently
I bet the difference is starting IE with admin rights.
