If we are talking about Microsoft Antispyware--the one with the red and
yellow bulls-eye icon--I don't have a good answer, but I do have a
Consider upgrading to beta2, which has been renamed Windows Defender"
Download and run, it'll take care of removing the old version.
HOWEVER--please note these differences--there are a great many, but these
are among those many folks find unexpected:
1) by default there is no icon shown in the notification area unless user
attention is required. This may change in a future update. The app is
still running--there are three major executables, one of which runs as a
system service--but the icon doesn't show.
Additionally, no icon is placed on the desktop. If you want a desktop icon,
copy the one in the start menu.
2) Signature updates are available via two mechanisms--Windows
Update/Microsoft Update or AutoUpdate. So--these need to work for signature
updates to work. Updates done automatically or manually within the program
use autoupdate, or you can go to Windows Update and get them.