Okay, I've been trying to order the MS Action Pack for some time now... (for
about two YEARS fer Bog's sake!)
Each time in the past I finally got irritated enough that I would say 'Bleep
IT' and stay away for months on end...
For the last week or so I have been getting an error that says "my account
information isn't available at this time..." Finally today I got stubborn
enough to persue matters further and I finally got someone on the phone who
said to send them some screen shots of what I've been seeing... and I was
told that I'd hear something back "within 48 hours" and that this was a known
problem and that they "were working on it..." but that I should keep trying
to log in and see if it works for me...
Tonight I've tried again... still with no luck, of course!... also to find
that the listing of software which earlier today showed WinXP Pro as being on
the list of additional software changed... (the message says " The Microsoft
OEM version software for internal use offer in the Microsoft Action Pack
Subscription expired on December 31, 2006. Software for internal use is still
available via the volume licensing offering included with your Action Pack
So does this mean that even <IF> I manage to get to the subscription site I
will not be able to get WinXP Pro anymore without having to buy that as well?
A bunch of the links on the site appear to be dead as well...
I guess I'll be on the phone, <again>, tomorrow trying to get this stuff
straightened out... More business time lost trying to get answers...
Ya'know, here I was... all fired up to get the network standardized...
Right now I'm running a Fedora server, a Ubunto workstation, a Fedora 6
workstation and an XP Home PC for Development... all set to switch everything
over to MS software... especially since the the last round of updates from
the Windows Update web site is causing the XPHome machine to slowly die...
And now I haven't even been able to get them to take my money!
So where do I go from here?
about two YEARS fer Bog's sake!)
Each time in the past I finally got irritated enough that I would say 'Bleep
IT' and stay away for months on end...
For the last week or so I have been getting an error that says "my account
information isn't available at this time..." Finally today I got stubborn
enough to persue matters further and I finally got someone on the phone who
said to send them some screen shots of what I've been seeing... and I was
told that I'd hear something back "within 48 hours" and that this was a known
problem and that they "were working on it..." but that I should keep trying
to log in and see if it works for me...
Tonight I've tried again... still with no luck, of course!... also to find
that the listing of software which earlier today showed WinXP Pro as being on
the list of additional software changed... (the message says " The Microsoft
OEM version software for internal use offer in the Microsoft Action Pack
Subscription expired on December 31, 2006. Software for internal use is still
available via the volume licensing offering included with your Action Pack
So does this mean that even <IF> I manage to get to the subscription site I
will not be able to get WinXP Pro anymore without having to buy that as well?
A bunch of the links on the site appear to be dead as well...
I guess I'll be on the phone, <again>, tomorrow trying to get this stuff
straightened out... More business time lost trying to get answers...
Ya'know, here I was... all fired up to get the network standardized...
Right now I'm running a Fedora server, a Ubunto workstation, a Fedora 6
workstation and an XP Home PC for Development... all set to switch everything
over to MS software... especially since the the last round of updates from
the Windows Update web site is causing the XPHome machine to slowly die...
And now I haven't even been able to get them to take my money!
So where do I go from here?