Microsoft Access was unable to create an ADE database

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I have an Access 2002 ADP that is about 191MB which has a SQL Server 2000
back end..

The ADP runs OK and it compiles without any errors but the compilation
process corrupts the ADP so I have to revert to a backup. When I try to make
an ADE I get the "Microsoft Access was unable to create an ADE database"

The references used are:
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 10.0 Object Library
Lotus Notes Automation Classes
OLE Automation
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library
Microsoft Office XP Web Components
Microsoft Calendar Control 10.0
Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library
Crystal Reports 8.5 ActiveX Designer Run Time Library
Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)

Is there a size limit for Access ADP's and does anyone know why I am
experiencing these problems?
If you make a full recompilation from the Debug menu in VBA, do you see any
error? To be sure that Access is trying to recompile everything, you can
also try to add a dummy reference in the References window before calling
the full recompilation command.
A second possibility would be to create an empty ADP file and import into it
each module/form until you find the offensive one.
I have tried the full recompilation. It did not return any errors nut the ADP
was corrupted by the compilation process and I have to use a copy of the ADP
for further processing.

I will try your suggestion of importing modules into another ADP to see if I
can track the problem down that way.
Also try decompiling the adp (after backing it up) by opening it in access with the /decompile switch

i.e on my PC and my project it looks like this:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE" /decompile "C:\myproject\db\mydatabase.adp"

Derek said:
I have tried the full recompilation. It did not return any errors nut the ADP
was corrupted by the compilation process and I have to use a copy of the ADP
for further processing.

I will try your suggestion of importing modules into another ADP to see if I
can track the problem down that way.
I have just tried to createa new ADP pointing at the same database so I can
import the modules gradually to track dow the error but I am getting an error
message creating the empty ADP. "Error in loading DLL".

It does not say which DLL. I have tried reinstalling Access but that hasn't
fixed the problem.

Does anyone know which DLL it could be? This may be the source of my other
problem as well.
I would remove your Crystal Reports _CRAP_ or just change it to late

and Lotus Notes _AND_ all this other crap?

Do you _SERIOUSLY_ have a 200 mb ADP file? that kindof boggles my
mind; I _LOVE_ adp but nothing over 25mb before

I want a job!

-Aaron Kempf
instant messenger = (e-mail address removed)