Adam Goossens said:
Hi all,
Can anybody recommend a good version control system for Access databases?
More to the point, is it even possible?
To protect the source code of a Microsoft Access application, I use a
combination of methods to secure my Access projects:
1. AutoKeys macro--this disables the F1-F12 function keys.
2. I use a function to remove Access built-in toolbars on startup.
3. I use a free third-party utility to disable the 'ShiftKeyBypass'
4. I use NTFS folder and file permissions to control who can have access to
the back-end folder of the database.
If you implement Microsoft Access group and user security--you could
probably secure the environment quite well.
Regarding version control, I have a table in the back-end called
"tblCurrentVersion" and it simply stores a double number (such as 1.1). This
table is linked in the client application.
In the client application, I also have a local table (its not linked) and it
too has a version number, such as "tblClientVersion". It has the version
number that matches the back-end (such as 1.1).
During application startup, I perform a comparison via code the check the
two values--if they do not match, I call a batch script to copy the new
client to the user's computer--this way program users are always using the
latest version of the client program.
Best regards,