Microsoft Access Source Control

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adam Goossens
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Adam Goossens

Hi all,

Can anybody recommend a good version control system for Access
databases? More to the point, is it even possible?

Adam Goossens said:
Hi all,

Can anybody recommend a good version control system for Access databases?
More to the point, is it even possible?



To protect the source code of a Microsoft Access application, I use a
combination of methods to secure my Access projects:

1. AutoKeys macro--this disables the F1-F12 function keys.
2. I use a function to remove Access built-in toolbars on startup.
3. I use a free third-party utility to disable the 'ShiftKeyBypass'
4. I use NTFS folder and file permissions to control who can have access to
the back-end folder of the database.

If you implement Microsoft Access group and user security--you could
probably secure the environment quite well.

Regarding version control, I have a table in the back-end called
"tblCurrentVersion" and it simply stores a double number (such as 1.1). This
table is linked in the client application.

In the client application, I also have a local table (its not linked) and it
too has a version number, such as "tblClientVersion". It has the version
number that matches the back-end (such as 1.1).

During application startup, I perform a comparison via code the check the
two values--if they do not match, I call a batch script to copy the new
client to the user's computer--this way program users are always using the
latest version of the client program.

Best regards,


Sorry, I didn't make myself particularly clear (oops!). What I meant was
a version control system like CVS or Subversion (SVN) that can track
revisions to Access databases, including all objects inside it, and
allow me to roll back to a previous version of the database if
necessary. This would make collborative work on some of our projects
much more palletable.

I've heard that VSS will do this, but I've also heard that VSS is not
all it's cracked up to be.

Any thoughts?

Adam Goossens said:

Sorry, I didn't make myself particularly clear (oops!). What I meant was a
version control system like CVS or Subversion (SVN) that can track
revisions to Access databases, including all objects inside it, and allow
me to roll back to a previous version of the database if necessary. This
would make collborative work on some of our projects much more palletable.

I've heard that VSS will do this, but I've also heard that VSS is not all
it's cracked up to be.

Any thoughts?



I haven't seen anything like that; however, I would most definitely be
interested if there was something out there like that. I just keep copies of
all the previous client versions; meanwhile, I maintain a table in the
back-end of the database with notes about changes. As a matter of fact, I
call it tblNotes. However, I know where you are coming from--it would be
nice to see the exact changes.


VSS does work with ms-access....

You don' mention what version.

But, Go here:

Then click on the following link:

Access Downloads
(Download a wide variety of Access tools and add-ins designed to make your
job easier.).

You will find the VSS add in for source control. Of course, this assumes you
have Visual studio, and use source code control (in this case version 6.0 of
Thanks Albert.

You're right, I should've mentioned what version - mostly 2003, but
anything really.

I might have to bite the bullet and see if I can make VSS work for me.


If I find anything that works well, I'll let you know. Heck, maybe it's
time to write one ;) Although, maybe I can extend the Access 2003 add-in
to work with something like subversion or CVS...

Who knows.

Thanks again!
better late than never :o

For those who come to this thread by searching for version control with MS-Access:
Maybe you'll have a look on our OASIS-SVN.

This tools was designed to support developers on taking their access-projects under version control.
It supports SVN (TortoiseSVN) directly but can also be used to manage your projects with e.g. Mercurial or GIT.

The demoversion is free and supports up to 50 objects to be im-/exported at a time.
If you have to manage more objects, get a licence matching your needs or divide your tasks in more steps.

Best regards

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