Microsoft Access memo fields -> SQL CE ntext

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Not sure if this is the correct forum but here goes.

I have written a application that returns a DataSet object from a Microsoft
Access database running on a server via a Web Service call to my Pocket PC
app using CF1.0.

The memo field should translate back to ntext under SQL CE Server or so it
should. I am getting the following returned from the DataSet:

{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 MS Sans
Serif;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang2057\\f0\\fs10 This is jump 1 what a
great jump man!\\par\r\n}\r\n\0

When trying to write this to the local SQL CE database I get a "no end
quotation marker' SQL exception.

Can anyone shed anylight on the other "crap" thats included in the above
memo translated field. Of course all I want is the "This is jump 1 what a
great jump man!" text.

The "other crap" is RTF, what you need is an RTF to plain text converter, I
can't think of one right now, it would be preferable to do this on the
desktop side - read the rtf and write the plain text back into the memo
field. How are you populating the field in the first place? It would be best
to find a solution where you are only putting plain text into the field to
begin with.


Ah of course. That would make sense.

I am integrating with another application that I did not write. I have asked
the developer to store just text (if possible). If not then I will need to
convert the RTF to text server side. Of course one bodgey way to do it is to
use the RichText control in .NET Framework but this is not ideal.
