I am almost finished with my program. Im doing a rental business program, and i have a problem in this one form. form name is TENANTS PAYMENT DETAILS. In this form, i have a combobox named Unit# that automatically fill up three fields:
for example, i choose 101 from the unit# combobox field. the title from the record ms. jeulia kate is automatically filled up by the fields title, firstname, lastname. thus;
title : ms
firstname: jeulia
lastname: kate
my problem is this : i made a command button PRINT WHOLE REPORT. So i made a report of this but unfortunately, the value of the fields title, firstname, and lastname, cannot be seen..it remains blank..while the value of the combo box field unit# is present. please reply if someone can help. thank you in advance...
for example, i choose 101 from the unit# combobox field. the title from the record ms. jeulia kate is automatically filled up by the fields title, firstname, lastname. thus;
title : ms
firstname: jeulia
lastname: kate
my problem is this : i made a command button PRINT WHOLE REPORT. So i made a report of this but unfortunately, the value of the fields title, firstname, and lastname, cannot be seen..it remains blank..while the value of the combo box field unit# is present. please reply if someone can help. thank you in advance...