


Could somebody help me with a problem that I seem to have encountered? I am
running Windows XP and, for some reason, my microphone isn't being
recognised in either of my sockets. When I try to look at my speech
recognition tabs it for some reason says that the necessary engine cannot be
created. Up until the last time I used it, which was recently, Microsoft
English ASR Version 5 Engine was working properly now it isn't being
reconised and I can't change settings. I cannot use Voice Recorder either.
It is just a plug and play microphone which worked fine up until recently.
I did install SP2 (twice) but have had to uninstall because it doesn't
recognise my scanner.

I hope someone can help me with the above, if more information is needed
please let me know and I will provide.




the firewall might be your problem , try this and see if
it works >>> start >>> control panel >>> internet
connection >>> right click the one you use for the
internet >>> Properties >>> advance tab >>>> Settings and
select disable firewall >> click ok and see how that


by disabling the firewall tho, wont this cause problems in other areas? is
there no way the microphone can work without this being disabled?

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