Microphone issues.

Mar 28, 2008
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Hey, over the past 2 years i've had microphones problems, things like msn, xfire or ventrilo (talking systems) when i try to speak on them i can, BUT, if someone else speaks they echo there own voice through my microphone and then they hear themselves.I have my headphones pluged in and my microphone plugged in. I'm not really a smart computer person maybe you could help. Thanks.
I'm not familiar with Vent but i use TS all the time, it could be something as simple as a volume issue, or that the mic isn't set up correctly.

Go to your control panel and sounds and audio device properties. Click the audio and voice tabs and make sure the default device etc is correct. Then click the test hardware button and follow the instructions.

See if that helps. :)
pc mic not working

I am trying to use my built-in pc microphone on skype, and it makes me sound like a male. Do you know what could be causing the problem and how I should fix it? Thanks!
Skype have some information in their HELP section relating to sound problems. They were of use to me.

Haha thanks for the useless comment!

I tried messing with Skype help... Could there be something wrong with the microphone in my computer? If anyone has anymore helpful suggestions, I would love to hear them! Thanks!
Ok, assuming you don't have a voice like Barry White with laryngitis I'd wager that it's the quality of your pc's built in microphone that's causing the problem, it's very likely low quality.

Get yourself a headset/microphone such as This one and it may help the situation.

You can buy similar headsets to the one I've linked to at Staples and PC World if you don't fancy ordering online.