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In the framework of most OOP is the underlying ability to string commands
like Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(). I have tried to find how this is
done, unsuccessfully I might add. I feel that it possibly one of those
building-block concepts that I’ve missed as I studied VB and .net
specifically. Some times I feel like returning to VB6; I was safe there!

When answering please be gentle and speak slowly. I’m old and out of sorts
with the acronym world most of you live in.

Thanks in advance.
"StumpedSteve" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le
message de news: (e-mail address removed)...

| In the framework of most OOP is the underlying ability to string commands
| like Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(). I have tried to find how this is
| done, unsuccessfully I might add. I feel that it possibly one of those
| building-block concepts that I've missed as I studied VB and .net
| specifically. Some times I feel like returning to VB6; I was safe there!

Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode() is not stringing commands, it is calling
a method on a property.

Thread is the name of a class, CurrentThread is the name of a static
property of that class and GetHashCode() is an instance method (derived from
System.Object) on the Thread object returned by the CurrentThread property.

A quick example would be :

public class Thread
public static Thread CurrentThread
get { return // current thread from list of threads }

public override int GetHashCode()
return // code that calculates hash code

Does that help or confuse further ? :-)

Thank you so much for your reply. I should have written long ago, could have
saved me many hours of trial. Could you recommend a book that would define
this concept? I have six books from some highly recommended sources Sams,
Microsoft Press, Wrox and I still cannot find this in any of them. Maybe I
need to step to the next level.

When I attempt to make a property static it is disallowed in It
looks like you are using a higher level language like C++, I am not familiar
with the {} delineation. At least you have given me the name of the process
that I can research.

Thanks Again.
"StumpedSteve" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le
message de news: (e-mail address removed)...

| Thank you so much for your reply. I should have written long ago, could
| saved me many hours of trial. Could you recommend a book that would
| this concept? I have six books from some highly recommended sources Sams,
| Microsoft Press, Wrox and I still cannot find this in any of them. Maybe
| need to step to the next level.

I'm sorry but I don't know of any books on this subject, but you should use
Google or similar to look up phrases like "VB.NET properties" or whatever
you need. There is a mass of information out there on the web for free.

| When I attempt to make a property static it is disallowed in It
| looks like you are using a higher level language like C++, I am not
| with the {} delineation. At least you have given me the name of the
| that I can research.

I am using C#, but most things that are available in C# are also available
in VB.NET, it's just that a lot of examples semm to be in either one or the
other language. I have only ever used VB3 for a week a long time ago just
before I switched to Delphi 1, so I don't like and am not very good at VB

Static properties are allowed in VB.NET, but you have to use the "shared"
keyword; here is a sample declaration :

Private Shared x As Integer

Public Shared Property X() As Integer
Return x
End Get
x = value
End Set
End Property

Do you understand what a static (shared) property is and what the difference
is between it and an instance property ?

Instance variable I am familiar with although instance properties I am not.
Although I know the genre used for defining one entity usually crosses over
to another. So I would guess that instance properties have a limited scope
within the class they reside, although, again, I don’t find any reference to
it in my books. So I would have to ask; would I set the scope of a resident
property to “friend†so it could be accessed across class borders?

While in my limited exposure to I have not used shared properties I
understand them to be accessible without instantiating the class they reside.
They share their allegiance to the class as well as the instantiated object.
I also understand that the have a whole new “kettle†of rules that must be
followed. I also know that there is a lot I don’t know about them, and what
I think I know may be misinterpreted.

All this being said; the answer is NO. Please teach me.

Thank you for your patience for this old dog.
You don’t know everything you don’t know! Don’t you wish you’d paid better
attention in school?
"StumpedSteve" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le
message de news: (e-mail address removed)...

| Instance variable I am familiar with although instance properties I am
| Although I know the genre used for defining one entity usually crosses
| to another. So I would guess that instance properties have a limited
| within the class they reside, although, again, I don't find any reference
| it in my books. So I would have to ask; would I set the scope of a
| property to "friend" so it could be accessed across class borders?
| While in my limited exposure to I have not used shared properties I
| understand them to be accessible without instantiating the class they
| They share their allegiance to the class as well as the instantiated
| I also understand that the have a whole new "kettle" of rules that must be
| followed. I also know that there is a lot I don't know about them, and
| I think I know may be misinterpreted.

Let me start by just going over some basics :

A class is like a cookie cutter, an object or instance is like the cookies
that the cutter creates.

Classes can contain fields, methods properties and events. These are known
as members and can be either static or instance members.

Static members belong to the "cookie cutter" (class) and, as you rightly
say, can be accessed without having to create an instance of the class.

Fields hold state and should usually only be of private visibility. This
then means that we need a mechanism that allows us to expose the values in
these fields. One mechanism is to add public accessor methods :

public class Person
private string name;

public string GetName()
return name;

public void SetName(string value)
name = value;
// fire notification event or something

This then requires us to call these methods in code like this :

Person p = new Person();



Properties allow us to talk to fields without making those fields public,
but still allowing us to use a "field" syntax.

public class Person
private string name;

public string Name
get { return name; }
name = value;
// fire notification event or something

This then allows us to call these properties in code like this :

Person p = new Person();

p.Name = "Joanna";


So you can think of properties as a sort of virtual field that also allows
us to execute additional or consequential code when reading/writing a value
from/to an object.

You can also use a property to restrict a "field" to being read-only, or
even write-only !

public class Person
private DateTime dateOfBirth;

public TimeSpan Age
return DateTime.Now = dateOfBirth; // pseudocode

public DateTime DateOfBirth
set { dateOfBirth = value; }

Properties can also be virtual or even abstract, which means that we can add
or change what happens when a value is read/written in derived classes :

public class Base
private string value;

public virtual string Value
get { return value; }
set { this.value = value; }

public class Derived : Base
public override string Value
get { return base.Value; }
base.Value = value;
// do something more

Does that help ? If you need further help, then just ask.


Thanks for being patient with me. I still cannot find my “missing link†to
put this together. Maybe it’s true, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!â€
I’d like to take just a few more moments of your time. Maybe I am attempting
something that is incorrect, or my methodology is skewed. I would like to
throw out my thought path and have you take a look.

I have several areas of my program where I have to retrieve data from a
database. I retain the data in table objects where each area can manipulate
it to suit depending on user interface. I have several working methods to
retrieve this data, assemble SQL statements, retrieve the data column number
(given a name), and data (given a row). I would however, like to streamline
this into an OOP “like†presentation. I have drawn a map of the outcome that
I would like to share; I’ll try to be brief.

GetData(SQL, Area) method to retrieve the data and store it in the “areasâ€
data table object.

GetData(Area).Col(ColumnName) Overloaded GetData and property Col returns
the column number from the given table object {Area} of the given column name.

GetData(Area).Col(col Number).Row(RowNumber) Overload Col to set or get the
property value Row of the given area object, at the given Col.

Seems do-able doesn’t it?

I think that by your instruction I would make a shared (static) Col property
within the GetData Class that would return the Column position from the given
column name.

Then would I instantiate the Col class from within the GetData Class to call
the overloaded Shared Method "Col" and place the Shared (static) Row property
in the Col Class? Or could I inherit the GetData class? I have tried all
but haven’t succeeded in any. If I knew the correct path I would find the
proper syntax. (I doubt that I can overload a method and a property of the
same name so I’ll need to massage that some.)

You don’t know everything you don’t know! Don’t you wish you’d paid better
attention in school?