Can anyone tell me why I get a compile error: Method or data member not found when I try to compile the following code?
This code works in Access 97. I am now using Access 2000
The compile error is on ==> fld.CreateProperty and on ==> fld.Properties.Append Prop
For Each fld In TheTable.Fields
If fld.Type = dbBoolean Then
' MsgBox fld.Name
' 106 is CheckBox, 109 is TextBox, 111 is ComboBox
Set prop = fld.CreateProperty("DisplayControl", dbLong, 106)
fld.Properties.Append prop
End If
Next fld
This code works in Access 97. I am now using Access 2000
The compile error is on ==> fld.CreateProperty and on ==> fld.Properties.Append Prop
For Each fld In TheTable.Fields
If fld.Type = dbBoolean Then
' MsgBox fld.Name
' 106 is CheckBox, 109 is TextBox, 111 is ComboBox
Set prop = fld.CreateProperty("DisplayControl", dbLong, 106)
fld.Properties.Append prop
End If
Next fld