ArtistX is a free DVD which turns a computer into a full multimedia production studio
It is based on Ubuntu GNU/Linux and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform. It doesn’t need to be installed, and boots directly into a running system without touching hard drives. The files produced with ArtistX can be easily stored on USB devices or CD/DVD medium while it is running.
After nearly ten years of development and more than ten versions, the ArtistX 1.4 multimedia studio on a DVD is finally here. It’s an Ubuntu 12.10-based live DVD that turns a common computer into a full multimedia production studio. ArtistX 1.3 includes the 3.5.0-25 Linux kernel, GNOME 3.4 and about 2.500 free multimedia software packages, nearly everything that exists for the GNU/Linux operating system organized in the menu. Main features: based on Ubuntu 12.10 without Unity and with all updates (from October 2012); most of GNU/Linux multimedia packages and the very easy Ubiquity installer.
- Free 3D Engine and Development Software: Meshlabs
- Free 3D Modelling and Animation Software: Art of Illusion, Ayam, Blender, Equinox 3D, K3d, Make Human, Moonlight3D, Sculptris, Wings3D, SweetHome3D, Y.A.P.R.M
- Free Audio DJ Software: Beatport SYN, Freecycle, Freewheling, Mixxx, QSampler, Smasher, Tactile 12000, TerminatorX
- Free Audio Synth Software: amSynth, Freebirth, Horgand, Hydrogen, Ingen, Mx44, Psychosynth, Qsynth, Rakarrack, SetBfree, Sineshaper, Yoshimi
- Free Audio MIDI Tools: Arpage, MusE, Patchage
- Free Audio Sound Editor Software: Audacity, Kwave, Rezound, Sweep, Wavesurfer
- Free Audio DAW and Tracker Software: Ardour, Jokosher, Lmms, Rosegarden, Traverso, Wired
- Free CAD Software: FreeCAD, LibreCAD
- Free DVD Mastering Software: Bombono DVD, KMediaFactory, Mistelix
- Free Font Software: FontForge, FontMatrix
- Free Fractals Software: Fractalnow, Fraqtive, Mandelburber
- Free Image and Picture Editing Software: GIMP, Krita, Pinta
- Free Image and Picture Viewer Software: ImgSeek, Fotowall
- Free Image Synthesis Software: Evolvotron, JavaMorph
- Free Optical Caracter Recognition (OCR) Software: YAGF
- Free Radio Software: Darksnow
- Free Renderer Software: Aqsys, Kerkythea, Sunflow
- Free TV and Recording Software: TV-Maxe, VLC
- Free Vector Software: Delineate, Inkscape, SK1, Xara Xtreme
- Free Video Editing Software: Avidemux, Cinelerra, Cinepaint, Jahshaka, Kdenlive, Lives
- Free Video Encoding and Decoding Software: Handbrake, Mobile Media Converter, Transmageddon
- Free Video Animation and Cartoon Software: Animata, Flash4Linux, Luciole, Synfig Studio, Toonloop
- Free Video VJ Software: DelVJ, FreeJ, FreeMix, Gephex, OnyxVJ, Veejay, VSXU