MSN messenger is a program for "chatting with your buddies online" like ICQ
or whatever.
The messenger service is a service in NT, 20000, and XP that is intende for
sending administrative pop-up alerts. Or, in my case, for flirting with the
company webmaster and then building a house together two years later. :]
The messenger service is meant for private networks, but if you don't have a
firewall, you can receive net sends over the Internet as well. A bunch of
bastards have recently started taking advantage of the popularity of XP and
net sending spam to all open IPs on the Internet.
The messenger service is set to manual startup by default in NT workstation.
Automatic in 2000 and XP. When it starts, it registers names in its netbios
table by which it can receive messages. You can see these names by entering
nbtstat -a %computername%
at the command prompt. <03> entries are registered names for receiving
messenger messages. You can add additional names by entering:
net name SomeOtherName /add
Ray at work