Messenger Service

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ian
  • Start date Start date


I was wondering how come Windows Messenger cannot add contacts that are not I am temporaryily using Yahoo messenger because it can see other
services like MSN. Why is this
Greetings Ian,

It depends on the version you're using.

Windows Messenger 4.7 operates on the .NET Messenger network exclusively.
Windows Messenger 5.x operates on the .NET Messenger network or a local Exchange or SIP-based
Communications Service.

Windows Live Messenger 8.x (, operates on the .NET Messenger
network and also can interoperate with Yahoo Messenger contacts. In other words, you can add
Yahoo contacts directly to your contact list and talk to them from Windows Live Messenger.

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger
MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
MessengerGeek Blog:
Messenger Resources:
(c) 2008 Jonathan Kay - If redistributing, you must include this signature or citation