messenger/ not signed into all sevices.



After signing in I always get a message of not signed
into all services. I then am requested to enter my sign
in name for a communication service and when I finish
this I always get a message of ( signing in failed as
sevice is temporarily unavailable please try again
later ) Can I stop this happening ?

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Sean,

To fix this, open the main Messenger window, click the Tools menu in Messenger, then select
Options. Click the Accounts tab and then click the option button '.NET Passport' under 'Sign
in with this account first:'. Then, uncheck the box 'My contacts include users of a
communications service', click OK and then try and sign on again
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.

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