MSN messenger is the better of the two. Windows messenger, although it is
can be used to video conference with friends etc, was originally intended
for company networks. With MSN you have more options.
Unfortunately, as you have found out, you can't use the two together. So the
best option is to stick with MSN. When you reboot your machine you should
have two messenger icons - one for MSN the other for messenger. Now you have
two options. You can either remove windows messenger altogether or you can
stop windows messenger from launching when you start windows (this way you
only have the MSN icon in the system tray)
To remove windows messenger ( it doesn't remove it physically, you can
always get it back. It simply disables the whole issue) Click Start button
and then choose Control panel. In control panel click the Add/remove icon.
In Add/remove click the icon on the left of the window marked Add/remove
windows components. the Windows component wizard will appear. Scroll down
the list and right at the bottom you will see Windows Messenger. Click on
the box to the left of the option to remove the 'tick' mark. Then click the
Next button. The files will now be removed. At the next window click the
Finish button. Windows Messenger will no longer appear. If you want it back
just go through the procedure above again, but this time place a tick in the
box next tot he Windows messenger option.
If you simply want to stop Windows Messenger loading at startup open Windows
Messenger and clcik Tools on the main toolabr. From the drop down menu click
option. Now click the General tab. At the top you should see an option which
says 'Automatically run messenger when i log on to windows' Remove the tick
mark fromt he box on the left of this option. Press Apply followed by OK.
Now close Windows Messenger. The next time you boot your pc windows
meseenger should not run.
John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert
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