messages unavailable on this board

  • Thread starter Thread starter steve
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I have just started to notice that I am getting "message
unavailable" for quite a few posts and replies. Is anybody
else seeing this? I find it quite useful to browse the
board daily for issues (that I might encounter) and now
I'm having trouble seeing what's being posted.
Hello there,

I too am seeing problems in the news feed. I have not yet had the same error
message as you, but I am seeing a less messages in the feed I have direct from
microsoft as compared to two other news feeds that carry this newsgroup. In the
software I am using to reply to your message its not a problem because it
amalgamates all of the news feeds a nd I get what looks like just one
newsgroup, but if I use outlook there are gaps all over the place (from
Microsoft as well as other feeds). This issue has existed for me at least for
just over a week
steve said:
I have just started to notice that I am getting "message
unavailable" for quite a few posts and replies. Is anybody
else seeing this? I find it quite useful to browse the
board daily for issues (that I might encounter) and now
I'm having trouble seeing what's being posted.


If you could give me some examples of where you are seeing this in the web
based interface, I'd like to see if I can track the problem down.

John Eddy
Microsoft Newsgroups Administrator

I am using IE to access the Windows Media message boards.
I noticed yesterday that when clicking on posts, the only
text that was there was "message unavailable" for some but
not all posts. I won't even call it an error. So when I
saw the two replies to my post I tried reading them. I got
the same "message unavailable" text for my post and the 2
replies. So I hit the reply button, to post that I can't
even read my post or the replies. There was your reply in
the new window, and after closing (without replying), I
was able to go back and read my post, your post and John
Kelly's. Good luck figuring this one out.

I am using IE to access the Windows Media message boards.
I noticed yesterday that when clicking on posts, the only
text that was there was "message unavailable" for some but
not all posts.

What URL are you using to get to the groups?

John Eddy
Microsoft Newsgroups Administrator
Hi John,

A few days ago Dean Rowe told me the link I had to the newsgroup on the main
page of my site wasn't working. It was a tiny URL... so I changed to this

I use Outlook Express myself so don't see the issues with the browser based
access.... but I'm seeing it act pretty quirky in my IE6 browser. Takes
forever to open a post, or they open and no text appears.


Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:

I like that interface a little better. However the first
time I went there, no problems. So I bookmarked the page.
The second time I was defaulted to a sign in page. Do I
need to sign in with my .NET passport or can I just
participate as on the other board? Now when I try to go
there I get booted to an error page with a microsoft site

steve said:

I like that interface a little better. However the first
time I went there, no problems. So I bookmarked the page.
The second time I was defaulted to a sign in page. Do I
need to sign in with my .NET passport or can I just
participate as on the other board? Now when I try to go
there I get booted to an error page with a microsoft site

Our web based interface is moving to a passport authenticated system so yes,
you will need to sign in with your .net passport in order to post. If you
do not wish to utilize this, feel free to use Outlook Express or whatever
NNTP client you wish to use and point it at

As for the error, the page seems to be loading fine at the moment.
It happened again this morning. An error on the page directed me to a search in this discussion page. Refreshing brought the whole board up. Could be on my end.

Thanks for all the info.

Hi Steve,

I am getting reports still (today) that some messages can not be downloaded. No
reason is given and no indication of which messages either. This now seems to
be exclusively on the direct feed from microsoft (or the errors have not yet
worked their way to other news servers.