Messages appear late?

  • Thread starter Thread starter shakey
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Strange, lately after downloading the 20 or so messages that are listed in a
group after syncing and leaving balance at zero I will return later to find
a few new but also many that indicate not downloaded last try. Download them
and clear but reoccurs next time, hours later, I go to group. Time stamps
show current and previous dates.

Mostly in my ISP'S news groups, but I have used them for years without this.
Thoughts please.
OE Tools > Options > Read > Get XXX headers at a time

You may set this option as high as 1,000. Right-click on the newsgroup in
Folders pane > Synchronization Settings > select New Messages Only. Now
every time you open the newsgroup (or hit F5), you will download the
next-newest set of headers/messages.

When you feel you've downloaded enough headers/messages, again right-click
on the newsgroup in Folders pane and select Catch Up Now. This will Mark as
Read all messages on the server, including ones you've not yet downloaded.
Now return to "Get XXX headers at a time" and uncheck the option completely;
then compact the folder.

From now on, OE will only download headers/messages posted to the server
since you last checked (polled) for messages.

You should probably visit this page, too: (lotsa good stuff
OE-specific newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
I'm Sorry I should have mentioned that I have it set to 1000 and its showing
less than that after a fresh syncing. I read, or mark all, as read and
folder shows zero unread. Next time I go sync that group is when the
messages that can only be accessed by "get next 1000" show up. "Catch up
now" would get rid of them without my viewing and is definitely not what I
want to do. I should never need to catch up now unless I download 1000 of
some higher number. They should have been retrieved the previous sync.
Will give your recommended sites a looksee.
Thanks Mel
Uncheck/disable that option, then OE will download all messages currently
available on the newsserver.

If the behavior persists, it's on the newsservers' end, not yours.