MessageDlg //Beginner question...

  • Thread starter Thread starter genc ymeri
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genc ymeri

What is the equivalent command with
MessageDlg('Hello', mtWarning, [mbOK,mbAbort], 0);

In C sharp ?? (if it is the same, what reference should I use ?)

thanks in advance
You want to call the static (class) method of the MessageBox class.

MessageBox.Show("Hello", "My MessageBox", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,
Thanks a lot.

Rob Windsor said:
You want to call the static (class) method of the MessageBox class.

MessageBox.Show("Hello", "My MessageBox", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,

Rob Windsor [MVP-VB]
G6 Consulting
Toronto, Canada

genc ymeri said:
What is the equivalent command with
MessageDlg('Hello', mtWarning, [mbOK,mbAbort], 0);

In C sharp ?? (if it is the same, what reference should I use ?)

thanks in advance