messageboxes in asp .net



Hi all,

I am new to asp in general, and I would like to know if
it is good practice just to display a messagebox after a
form validation is performed and the user must be warned
about missing information. I just tried but it is
telling me that the application is not running in UserInteractive mode.
Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a
notification from a service application.

Can anybody shed some light on this?



John Timney \(ASP.NET MVP\)

You should use a javascript alert box


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director


Avoid message boxes. Instead just display the messages on the screen.
Javascript message boxes really get up peoples noses. They also get in the
way, the user knows theres an error, but cant see it because there is a
message box in the way.

IMHO messageboxes are bad web design.

Brock Allen

The MsgBox that you're using is a server-side function call, so this is trying
to display a message box in the webserver. This obviouslly isn't going to
work. You need to emit javascript that runs in the browser on the client's
machine to do the pormpt. The javascript function to do this is alert or
confirm (depending upon what you want it to do). I'd suggest checking out
the docs a bit to get a feel for those APIs:


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