OK, I have done this in the past but now I can't remember
how I did it nor can I find anything online about
Here is what I am trying to do, depending on the response
from the user, I want to either close a form or set the
focus on a field within the form. How do I write the
vbresponse code?
Here is what I'm trying but it isn't working properly:
If (IsNull([Member_Last_Name])) Then
MsgBox "Members last name has been left blank and
must be filled in. If you do not wish to enter a new
member, select Cancel.", vbOKCancel
If vbresponse Is OK Then
ElseIf vbresponse Is Cancel Then
how I did it nor can I find anything online about
Here is what I am trying to do, depending on the response
from the user, I want to either close a form or set the
focus on a field within the form. How do I write the
vbresponse code?
Here is what I'm trying but it isn't working properly:
If (IsNull([Member_Last_Name])) Then
MsgBox "Members last name has been left blank and
must be filled in. If you do not wish to enter a new
member, select Cancel.", vbOKCancel
If vbresponse Is OK Then
ElseIf vbresponse Is Cancel Then