Dear Nick,
Thanks a lot for your efforts. I am reading more on SOA to understand your
answer as well

I have some small questions, if you can assist again:
1. What is coarse-grained interfaces compared to chatty interfaces for
remote communication
2. What is meant by loose coupling and high cohesion?
3. Can you send me a link of a good article on SOA?
Hello Ginny,
You appear to be a little confused. SOA is a high level architectural
approach to distributed systems design. What you appear to be referring
as 'message based approach' is a subset of the SOA approach that uses
running transactions. It is still SOA.
1. how does message based approach help?
Long running transactions and messaging solve a particularly difficult
design problem: how to simplify the code around the state machine and
seperate it from the rest of the system for easy modification. The state
machine is traditionally a problem. In the early days of Computer
greats like Djikstra and Turing recognized the immense power of state
machines. The Turing Machine is, itself, a state machine that is able to
simulate the computational capabilities of any modern computer. The
is twofold: 1) our declarative programming languages are lousy for
describing and maintaining state machines. There are a great deal of
practical considerations to take into account that are not built in to
error handling structures, branching structures, and even data type
declarations. 2) state machines change a lot. When done properly, a
portion of the business rules end up embedded in a state machine.
they need to be encapsulated from the rest of the system.
In many cases, developers who know little about state machines avoid the
problem. You don't have to use a state machine. Most problems can be
solved without state machines, by adding a ten-fold increase in code and
complexity. But hey, if you only have a hammer, every problem is a nail.
Those of us who understood the power of the state machine have always
out ways to reduce code, and increase elegance, by implementing state
machines in our systems. Nice thing: in the age of the web and stateless
transaction models, this has required developers to place all of the
stateful aspects of the system in one place... which has done more to
the sophistication of state machine tools than any amount of salesmanship
marketing could ever have. It's a golden time.
Message based approaches are the way you can understand how to drive a
machine. A message is input to a state.
Message oriented middleware tools have increased in sophistication
in the past four years. Look at the huge efforts being spent to improve
tools and Biztalk. Look at the efforts to describe temporal
in the WS_* standards.
2. the .net application architecture guide says that, the message based
approcah can make the design of you business logic independent of
underlying transport protocol used between services. HOW?
If you take a message based approach, in your service oriented
it means that you start by isolating your state machine into a service
component. In a normal scenario, that state machine does not need to
actually implement the business logic. It implements that state
and temporal error handling. By 'temporal error handling', I'm not
referring to an episode of Star Trek or Dr. Who. I'm talking about
that messages drive state machines, so they have an inherent order to
In a banking system, a message to open an account needs to arrive before
message that asks for the balance on the account. Being able to say:
message makes sense now, but didn't make sense a minute ago, is a
consideration because of the time relationship with another message.
None of this has anything at all to do with the transport protocol.
If I
send a message using SOAP or REST or by dropping commands into a SQL
or even in a file system, the state machine is the logic that understands
the message and responds, not the logic that finds and transmits the
message. That is what is meant by this independence. Sticking with
standards helps.
3. In a message based approach you need to take care of special
considerations as message correlation, optimistic data concurrency
management,business process compensation, and external service
unavailability. What r all these ??
* Message correlation - two messages arrive seperately, but they drive a
single state machine. Find the machine. Then apply the message. It is
like understanding the difference between a class and an instance of
object. A class defines the machine, but the instance is the machine.
a message comes in, you have to find the instance that it applies to.
Therefore, you need some kind of ID that you pass in the messages, and
all asynchronous collaborators agree to pass back to you, allowing you to
It's not as esoteric as it sounds. Your insurance card is a message
correlation id. You get sick. You go to the doctor. She pulls your
and examines you. She draws blood. She sends the blood to a lab for
analysis. You go home and await your results. The doctors office
file back in the filing cabinet. The lab gets the blood. It has your ID
it. They test the blood. You are going to be fine. They send back the
results with your ID. The doctor's office gets the result, and pulls
chart back out of the filing cabinet. They see that you are waiting for
call, so they ask the doctor to call you. [when they looked at the id
decided to pull your chart, they were doing message correlation. The lab
* optimistic data concurrency management - In a long running transaction,
you cannot lock DB records. Two-phase commit mechanisms assume
communication mechanisms, so you cannot use them either... at least
the pure sense. So you have to take data transformation into account,
by understanding the effect of messages on data. It is a design activity
much as it is a runtime algorithm.
Let's say that an employee requests a week of vacation. The company has
policy that reads like this: "The employee can request time off if
already accumulated it. Check accumulation first. If there is
accumulation to allow the request, then send it to the manager for
approval". Great. Now Joe has six days built up. He wants to take off
either the last week of November or the last week of December. So he
two requests, each for a week.
His first request goes through just fine. It is sent to his manager.
about the second? Do we introduce a way of saying that the first five
of vacation are "committed to an inflight transaction" with the
roll it back if the manager doesn't approve it? In other words, do we
the second request before it gets to the manager? An alternate approach
be to do a simple check and send the second request to the manager as
If the manager approves one, but not the other, no problems... because
one will be marked as 'planned and approved time off' while the other
request disappears. What happens if the manager approves both? Does the
first one in the door win? How do you coordinate informing the
he approved two but only one went through the system? This is optimistic
data concurrency management.
* Compensation. I mentioned an compensation scenario above. Let's
we choose the first alternative. We have a seperate counter for the
of hours requested but not yet approved. This means the second
rejected by the system without going to the manager. Now, let's say that
the manager decides to reject the request. We cannot roll back the
transaction. That would be silly. It may be days have passed. No,
deduct the requested hours from the seperate counter. Now, if the
submits the second request, it will go through to the manager for
consideration. This whole notion of having a seperate counter, and then
removing hours from it, is a compensation design. It is there to handle
'rollback' of a request that didn't make it through the system.
* External service unavailability: As I mentioned above, the state
doesn't do more than simply coordinate things. So if a customer requests
buy 1500 units of a really complex part from a manufacturing company,
there's a lot of coordinating to do. What is the bill of materials? Are
all the parts ready to ship or do some need to be built? How long
take to manufacture and deliver parts? Once delivered, what's the
manufacturing backlog on constructing the finished part? Does this
meet the PO requirements? All this logic can be pulled into the state
machine. (We sometimes refer to this as the 'orchestration' or the
'workflow'). However, the logic to decide if all the parts are ready to
ship can be complicated and may require queries to multiple systems.
say that your bill of materials is managed in one legacy system, while
inventory is managed in another. Now, let's say that a PO arrives and
inventory system is down for scheduled maintenance (you are swapping out
network cards to upgrade to a 1GB backbone in that data center). The
orchestration asks for inventory data. No response comes back. What do
Your messaging system has to know how to hold a transaction request until
the receiving system is back up, and then to resume the flow. Biztalk
allows for retry and automatic dehydration. Other systems queue the
and wait for a signal that the receiver is back online. It's a
that becomes important if you don't want to lose that message. This
is a
huge deal. If you don't have these mechanisms, then the failure rate of
orchestration is the maximum overlap of the failures of the remote
WIth this mechanism, the failure rate of the orchestration is the minimum
overlap between retry policy and the remote systems... often very near to
zero. You go from a very unreliable machine to a very reliable one.
I hope this helps. Final word: message based processing is not
It is part of it. In the SOA I am working in, we have message based
services as part of the infrastructure.
--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.
In a service oriented architecture, an application can call an external
servie. an alternate approach is to use message based technique.
are the points that need calrifications??
1. how does message based approach help?
2. the .net application architecture guide says that, the message based
approcah can make the design of you business logic independent of
underlying transport protocol used between services. HOW?
3. In a message based approach you need to take care of special
considerations as message correlation, optimistic data concurrency
management,business process compensation, and external service
unavailability. What r all these ??