I put a new 1Gb NIC in my DC server to replace the old 100Mb NIC. I changed
the old cards address to, then set the address of the new one to
what the 100Mb one was, which is
We had some odd DNS errors and we decided to undo these changes to aid in
identifying the problem. But after we took out the 1Gb card and went to
change the 100Mb cards IP address back to, it gave a message
about this address clashing with an adapter that is hidden from the Network
Connections window or not physically in the computer or one that is a legacy
adapter, and it asks me do I want to enter in a different address.
There is only one NIC in the box, how do I get Server 2000 to forget about
the old cards?
I knew old versions of windows had had this problem with modems but I didn't
know server had it with NIC's.
the old cards address to, then set the address of the new one to
what the 100Mb one was, which is
We had some odd DNS errors and we decided to undo these changes to aid in
identifying the problem. But after we took out the 1Gb card and went to
change the 100Mb cards IP address back to, it gave a message
about this address clashing with an adapter that is hidden from the Network
Connections window or not physically in the computer or one that is a legacy
adapter, and it asks me do I want to enter in a different address.
There is only one NIC in the box, how do I get Server 2000 to forget about
the old cards?
I knew old versions of windows had had this problem with modems but I didn't
know server had it with NIC's.