Message about CD/DVD drivers disk needed

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I received beta 2 and am attempting to install it. I boot from the DVD
player (NEC 5700a). At the very beginning of of the installation, it begins
getting information, and says it needs a disk with CD/DVD drivers. This is
an old DVD player, and I can't believe Vista does not have a driver for it.
Help? I can get no further.

Victor Eisenstein
(e-mail address removed)
I have the same problem with an HP DVD Writer 630c. This is a bit strange
since it has already read from this drive in order to get to this point. I
read in one post that someone changed their dvd drive configuration around so
that it was not on ide channel 0 as a master. I tried a few combinations
with the cables but did not have any success.

the real problem seams to be a combination of the mainboard chip-set
and the DVD device.

Connect a different brand of DVD device and test again....
Any idea which brands may work? I believe that my HP DVD Writer is a
rebranded BenQ device.