MESHcomputers Good storys?!

Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
meh thinking about buying from them, searched the forums and found the horror storys and now i am again stuck for ideas :S i just want to hear some good storys lol so if there are any i would be happy to listen... but its not looking good atm.
... good luck on finding any :D
well there was this one time i had a choice of Mesh or ebuyer, i went with ebuyer and lived happily ever after :)
seriously that never happend as i live in the US, but i havent heard much good here
whoa i found this in regards to a post about mesh on theis forums

(this being a reply to the starting post)
You have been unlucky, apart from long waits on the phone I have nothing but praise for my Mesh desktop and the help that I have received from them, it sometimes takes a while for a reply to posts on the help desk but they do come.
I also note that where I have come across complaints about Mesh on these forums it is never long before the post a reply.
(the starting post is both on this site but this reply was from another site with the same starting post.)
We bought a full system from them about three years ago - the first monitor was faulty and they replaced it. The system - from day one - would hang randomly. We sent it back and received a replacement system (with an upgraded motherboard), although the fault description on the paperwork was "mouse gets stuck". So their customer service was reasonable but we did get two faulty things. :( I should point out that the new system has been rock solid since, and their "restore CD" is just a Win XP disc with a Mesh label so that always wins points in my book.
Just dont, go anywhere but Mesh. I have regretted ny purchase for 18 months now and still not working right.