Merry Christmas and thanks for your help during the year.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil
  • Start date Start date


Option Explicit
Sub Merry_Christmas()
Dim lights
For each Day in Christmas period
If "You Can" = "You Will" Then
Time = happy
Exit For
End If
Next Day
If Rain exists then
MsgBox "Stay in and imbibe red wine"
MsgBox "Go out and enjoy a drive"
End If
If "TV is in next room" Then
Application.Visible = False
on error "say sorry or exit"
End If
With Glass_in_Hand.AnimationSettings
.elbowBent = True
.LiftToPallet = True
.BecomeMerry = True
.DriveVehicle = False
End With
a Bang (Expect argument)
End Sub

Sub ShowMessage()
Dim sq As String
sq = "&h4D&h65&h72&h72&h79&h20&h58" & _
"&h2D&h6D&h61&h73&h21&hA&h45" & _
"&h78&h63&h65&h6C&h20&h69&h73" & _
"&h20&h74&h68&h65&h20&h63&h6F" & _
"&h6D&h6D&h6F&h6E&h20&h62&h6F" & _
"&h6E&h64&h20&h74&h68&h61&h74" & _
"&h20&h62&h72&h69&h6E&h67&h73" & _
"&h20&h75&h73&h20&h74&h6F&h67" & _
MsgBox HexToCode(sq)
End Sub

Function HexToCode(ByVal strCode As String) As String
Const strSeq As String = "&h"
Dim i As Long
Dim buf
buf = Split(strCode, strSeq)
For i = LBound(buf) To UBound(buf)
If buf(i) <> "" Then HexToCode = HexToCode & Chr(strSeq & buf(i))
End Function
