Merging worksheet into MS Word mail merge

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briggs
  • Start date Start date


I am merging a letter and an Excel worksheet. When I merge an Excel field
that contains $ and commas separating the hundreds and thousands, the $ and
the , do not show up in the merged letter. Any suggestions on how to solve
this problem?

Instead of just referring to the cell e.g. A1 use

Roger Govier

Briggs said:
I am merging a letter and an Excel worksheet. When I merge an Excel field
that contains $ and commas separating the hundreds and thousands, the $
the , do not show up in the merged letter. Any suggestions on how to solve
this problem?


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No probs, Gord.
I hope that all is well with you, and best wishes for 2010

Roger Govier

Gord Dibben said:
Error in post.

Roger........not Biff


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Thanks for the greetings.

Good year so far although the golf is a little sparse.

Too many frost delays.

Hi Briggs,

To control number & currency formatting in Word, add a numeric picture switch to the mergefield. To do this:
.. select the field;
.. press Shift-F9 to reveal the field coding. It should look something like {MERGEFIELD MyData};
.. edit the field so that you get {MERGEFIELD MyData \# $,0.00} (or whatever other numeric format you prefer - see below);
.. position the cursor anywhere in this field and press F9 to update it;
.. run your mailmerge.

Note: The '\# $,0.00' in the field is referred to as a numeric picture switch. Other possibilities include:
.. \# 0 for rounded whole numbers
.. \# ,0 for rounded whole numbers with a thousands separator
.. \# ,0.00 for numbers accurate to two decimal places, with a thousands separator
.. \# $,0 for rounded whole dollars with a thousands separator
.. \# "$,0.00;($,0.00);'-'" for currency, with brackets around negative numbers and a hyphen for 0 values

The precision of the displayed value is controlled by the '0.00'. You can use anything from '0' to '0.000000000000000'.

If you use a final ';' in the formatting switch with nothing following, (eg \# "$,0.00;($,0.00);") zero values will be suppressed.
Note that this suppresses 0s resulting from empty fields and from fields containing 0s.