If this example describes your situation....
You have 2 workbooks: Book1 and Book2.
Each workbook contains a sheet, ListSheet, with a list of names.
You want to create a 3rd list which only contains the names common to boths
lists that are in Book1 and Book2.
Then, you could try this:
1)Each list has a heading, I'll assume "Names"
2)Each list starts in Cell A1 of the ListSheet
3)Each list has 10 names
The method:
For each list in Book1 and Book2,
B1: Num
B2:B11 (Enter a zero in of those cells)
Select A1:B11
Names in Workbook: NameList
Refers to: (already selected)
Click the [OK] button
Save each workbook
Open a new workbook
Select cell A1 on any sheet
Function: Count
Use Labels in:
-->Check: Top Row
-->Check: Left Column
Browse to Book1.xls.
Reference : (will display the path to the workbook...Append NameList to that
Click the [Add] button
Repeat for Book2.xls
Uncheck: Create Links to source data
Click the [OK] button
Excel will create a list of all names used in either list along with the
count of those names.
Names with a count of 2 are in both lists.
Something you could use?
XL2002, WinXP-Pro
jayceejay said:
I never did get much of an answer. Is there no one who could shed some light
on this?
Pretty please?