It Is Me Here
I've just got my new computer (Windows Vista Ultimate) and despite it coming
with just one hard drive (if I'm not mistaken), when I open Computer, it
displays two different hard drives: "OS_Install (C [102 GB free of 231 GB]"
and "New Volume (D [465 GB free of 465 GB]".
Anyway, how, instead of working with this bizarre set-up, could I "merge"
C:\ and D:\ into one hard drive (in Windows Explorer's eyes, at least) so
that I do not have files arbitrarily split into two?
with just one hard drive (if I'm not mistaken), when I open Computer, it
displays two different hard drives: "OS_Install (C [102 GB free of 231 GB]"
and "New Volume (D [465 GB free of 465 GB]".
Anyway, how, instead of working with this bizarre set-up, could I "merge"
C:\ and D:\ into one hard drive (in Windows Explorer's eyes, at least) so
that I do not have files arbitrarily split into two?