Merging Partitions Freeware

Nov 11, 2007
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I was checking out another computer forum, trying to check out how to combine two partitions into one partition, so I went to another forum to check out the results. The forum answer was, that you cannot combine two partitions into one. I was surprised at the answer, but had my doubts. Is there anyone out there that agrees with this answer, or is the other forum wrong and if so, are there any freeware that will do this for me? Thank you.
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It is possible to merge two partitions, I know "Partition Magic" can do this - I've done it myself years ago. However, you really need to make sure you have a backup of your data when you do something like this, as it could always go wrong.

Apparently this bit of freeware can do the same thing, but I have no experience with it so it may be worth reading up on the software a little more:

I've also updated the thread title to make it more descriptive, so that others can find it in a search :)
Partition Magic will do the job but it costs money. It's also very old now, no new versions since version 8, as far as I know. I wonder if it works within Vista?

As Ian pointed out Ranish will also do the job and it's free, so the people at that other Forum are correct. Did they actually name the software required or just state it can be done?

It is worth mentioning, though, that Ranish takes some level of knowledge to work with. In short, it's for experienced users only.
Floppybootstomp, they just said that it can't be done. Ian, as far as Ranish, if its for experinced users, then I better not try it, because I am a novice when it comes to computers. As far as updating my thread, thats fine Ian. Thanks for the help folks.
I checked out the Ranish site floppybootstomp. It looked a little beyond my expertise, so I better leave well enough alone. Besides, combining my partitions may be the wrong thing to do, escpecially if it crashes. It just seems that the other partition is just wasting space just sitting there not being used.
Is the 2nd partition usable space at the moment? If so, you can just use it to store files (perhaps music or documents) on it :)