Merging and splitting?

Sep 2, 2006
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I am trying to do something rather unusual and I wondered if it is possible in Excel. I want to take a group of cells within one column and merge them together, and then split them apart again into a different number of cells than I started with.

For example:
1.) Merge four cells within one colum into one big cell (<----I already know how to do this.)
2.) Split this new merged cell apart into FIVE cells. This would mean that the rows would no longer go straight across, because adjacent colums would not be divided the same way.

It may not be possible, but I thought I'd inquire.
Thanks in advance for your help!
hi crcclar,
this can be done with a macro....
but basically, you would be extracting sting from your mergerge cell and placing them into the new columns, then maybe deleting the merged column, this would have the appearance of what you ask
Thanks so much for your reply. I'm not qute sure I follow what you are suggesting, though. How would I go about "extracting sting from mergerge cell"? Can you give a few more details?

Thanks again,