merging 2 databases into 1 database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Judi Tousley
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Judi Tousley

I have AccessXP on WinXP.
Coworker #1 has Access 97 on Win98.
Coworker #2 has Access 97 on WinME.

We would like to create a database that we all share and can update weekly.
These are my concerns:

1) Are these versions of Access compatible with each other? Assuming they
are compatible,

2) When we update information, will the information from all three computers
be merged or written over? For example: We all start out with the same
(copied) database with 65 clients. Today, on my computer, I add 2 new
clients. Coworker #2, on his computer, adds 3 new clients. Can we merge
these two databases together so that 70 clients will appear? ...Or will one
database overwrite the other so only 67 or 68 clients appear?

Any advice on performing an update as described is appreciated.

Judi Tousley said:
I have AccessXP on WinXP.
Coworker #1 has Access 97 on Win98.
Coworker #2 has Access 97 on WinME.

We would like to create a database that we all share and can update weekly.
These are my concerns:

1) Are these versions of Access compatible with each other? Assuming they
are compatible,

2) When we update information, will the information from all three computers
be merged or written over? For example: We all start out with the same
(copied) database with 65 clients. Today, on my computer, I add 2 new
clients. Coworker #2, on his computer, adds 3 new clients. Can we merge
these two databases together so that 70 clients will appear? ...Or will one
database overwrite the other so only 67 or 68 clients appear?

Any advice on performing an update as described is appreciated.

I have AccessXP on WinXP.
Coworker #1 has Access 97 on Win98.
Coworker #2 has Access 97 on WinME.

We would like to create a database that we all share and can update weekly.
These are my concerns:

1) Are these versions of Access compatible with each other? Assuming they
are compatible,

Access 97 is Access 97. THe operating system is irrelevant.
2) When we update information, will the information from all three computers
be merged or written over? For example: We all start out with the same
(copied) database with 65 clients. Today, on my computer, I add 2 new
clients. Coworker #2, on his computer, adds 3 new clients. Can we merge
these two databases together so that 70 clients will appear? ...Or will one
database overwrite the other so only 67 or 68 clients appear?

I'd VERY VERY strongly suggest approaching this with considerable
care. If either database has Autonumber fields in any table, there are
almost certainly duplicate autonumbers - ClientID 3 in #1's client
table will be one person, ClientID 3 in #2's will be somebody else.
Determining which (if any) clients overlap in the two databases may be
tricky - is #1's "Joseph R. Meech" the same person as #2's "J.R.
Meech" - or even "J.R. Meecher"?

The *ultimate* goal should be to have a shared "backend" database.
Assuming that both users are on the same (reasonably fast, stable)
network, you should have a "backend" .mdb file containing only the
tables; each user would have a "frontend", with only the Queries,
Forms, Reports and other user interface objects, linked to the tables
in this backend. But getting the data consolidated might be as simple
as a couple of append queries, or it might require inhaling hazardous
quantities of the fumes of burning midnight oil.