Merge Sound Back INto VOBs

Jun 13, 2005
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ok heres my problem, i make backups of all my dvds to my harddrive, in case the disc should nit be repairable with my skip doctor(great investment).

anyway, one recently crppaed the bed, and when i burned a new one, the sound is only in dts 6.1, which is cool for my home theater , but in my PS2 there is no sound..

basicallY: how do i extract the audio streams(dts);
encode to 2 channel(ac3) ;
and then merge/join them back into the new VOB's(or add to exisitn vobs as new sound stream).

i know its called demultiplexing but as to what software you need i dont know

you should have a chat with the guys over at they should be able to help
Still Curious

thanx for the direction, unfortunately i was unable to findthing other then demuxing avis, and divx's.

i want to extract audio from vob's to vob's just in 2 channel, not 6...

Anyone with ideas, directions please respond.
I'm not at my home pc at the moment, but at afterdawn there is a post about a program 'virtualdubmod'. You can rip audio from basically anywhere and full stream process it into almost dig?
Takes some learning... and the program does not install... just extract it somewhere and it runs out of its own folder.
raje said:
I'm not at my home pc at the moment, but at afterdawn there is a post about a program 'virtualdubmod'. You can rip audio from basically anywhere and full stream process it into almost dig?

Yes!, i dig very much, im looking as we speak, perhaps when you have the needed accessories at hand you ,might post a link Raje

Much thanx
That looks to be it.... I originally got it to convert video files... but it can be used to do audio.. I hope it does the trick.