Hemang Shah
What im doing:
Adding new record to my form.
Creating a temp dataset "dsChanges" by using getchanges()
Then I merge my original dataset dsOriginal.merge(dsChanges)
But now my dataset has 2 records instead of 1,
one with the auto id field = -1 and one with the autoid field as the one
retrived from the database.
The database has only 1 record added though.(which is correct).
Anyone got any inputs on this one ?
Adding new record to my form.
Creating a temp dataset "dsChanges" by using getchanges()
Then I merge my original dataset dsOriginal.merge(dsChanges)
But now my dataset has 2 records instead of 1,
one with the auto id field = -1 and one with the autoid field as the one
retrived from the database.
The database has only 1 record added though.(which is correct).
Anyone got any inputs on this one ?