M Max Jul 12, 2005 #2 Perhaps 2 possibilities: Shared workbook*, or the sheet is protected** *As listed in Excel help for: Limitations of shared workbooks ** Try unprotecting via: Tools > Protection > Unprotect sheet -- Rgds Max xl 97 --- GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com ---- viswanathan said: pls find me an answer for the question. Click to expand... Re: Merge cells tool is not getting highlighted
Perhaps 2 possibilities: Shared workbook*, or the sheet is protected** *As listed in Excel help for: Limitations of shared workbooks ** Try unprotecting via: Tools > Protection > Unprotect sheet -- Rgds Max xl 97 --- GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com ---- viswanathan said: pls find me an answer for the question. Click to expand... Re: Merge cells tool is not getting highlighted