Merge Audio File to Audioless Video File

Oct 19, 2006
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I have two video files 1. .avi file 2. .mpg file
I also two audio file 1. .mp3 file 2. .wav file

Both audio file have same audio and both video file have same video.

I want to add any one audio file and one video file and convert into one .avi or .mpg file which contains audio and video both.


I also want to convert .swf movie file to .avi movie file. Any body help me.

I require your help. Kindly help me since I am in urgency.


I require new .swf player which can play, pause, stop any .flv or .mp3 files

Can any body give me links to download those player.

I also require some branded ( in my company name ) flash (.swf player), Is there any body who can prepare for me as well ?