I'm a bit lost in the 'Importing / Linking / Replication' world
What I want to do seems very easy:
I have 2 db's, on 2 different locations with exact the same db, not connected
to any network
db is not split.
db 1 enters travels + details (multiple tables +-20)
db 2 enters the incomes for the travels (only 1 table:Invoices)
When they meet the following happens:
db 1 is loaded on a usb drive
db 2 imports: all new travels, changed travels, new details, changed details
from db1
db 2 exports: all new Invoices
according to:
can I not use replication because i use an usb drive to connect the db's.
I'm currently working with linked tables in db2 and Inserting, updating from
there. But I have problems finding out if a row has been changed and I realy
don't want to create something that already is avaible
What i realy need is syncronization between 2 tables and syncronization
between 2 db's except this one table...
What strategy would you advise, as I said at the start I'm a bit lost
Thanks Stef
I'm a bit lost in the 'Importing / Linking / Replication' world
What I want to do seems very easy:
I have 2 db's, on 2 different locations with exact the same db, not connected
to any network
db is not split.
db 1 enters travels + details (multiple tables +-20)
db 2 enters the incomes for the travels (only 1 table:Invoices)
When they meet the following happens:
db 1 is loaded on a usb drive
db 2 imports: all new travels, changed travels, new details, changed details
from db1
db 2 exports: all new Invoices
according to:
can I not use replication because i use an usb drive to connect the db's.
I'm currently working with linked tables in db2 and Inserting, updating from
there. But I have problems finding out if a row has been changed and I realy
don't want to create something that already is avaible
What i realy need is syncronization between 2 tables and syncronization
between 2 db's except this one table...
What strategy would you advise, as I said at the start I'm a bit lost
Thanks Stef