Sachin D.
In VB.net menus, there is a name property, but it isnt
available in runtime..strange!!!
does someone has a idea how i can do something similar?
reason i want it is...in my app the UI text comes from a
language table in database. For form and control text i
retrieve it using the formname+control name. But doing the
same thing for menu is not possible. One idea is to store
the name of the menu item e.g. mnuFile in the text itself
and at runtime change the text by using the original text
of the menuitem. Drawback is, at runtime i cannot get the
UI text twice as now the control has lost its name.
available in runtime..strange!!!
does someone has a idea how i can do something similar?
reason i want it is...in my app the UI text comes from a
language table in database. For form and control text i
retrieve it using the formname+control name. But doing the
same thing for menu is not possible. One idea is to store
the name of the menu item e.g. mnuFile in the text itself
and at runtime change the text by using the original text
of the menuitem. Drawback is, at runtime i cannot get the
UI text twice as now the control has lost its name.