Menu Buttons?

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Is there a way to "divide" my home movied DVD into "sections" and have Menu
Buttons pop up when you insert the DVD?
For example, I want to split up my 2 hour home video into 4 groups so it is
easier to jump to those groups when you first insert the DVD or while you are
watching it.

Thanks in advance,
I also use Nero and have found that:
If each movie is separate then
in order to jump to the next movie I need to create a chapter at the
very end of each movie(ie the last frame). Otherwise I I cannot page
on to the next movie. You will know what I mean once you start with

I am not technically competent with DVD's so someone else may have
another solution to this....however I suspect it is a standard problem
since I have a number of commercial DVD's that wont let me jump once I
am in the last chapter of a given episode.

(This would indicate that the DVD format requires an actual chapter
point to jump to rather than jumping to the end). My advice above is
to fudge it by putting a chapter mark at the end.


I think this is standard On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 07:05:01 -0800, "DaveBFG"

There is an option...I think its the default in Nero 6 but may be
wrong....The option is what to do at the end of the video...go back to the
main menu or play next video. I am not on the machine that I use Nero on so
can not point you in the right direction, I am fairly sure that you will
find it in the menu creation section though.....

Out of interest...what version of Nero are you using?

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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I use MyDVD version 4.5 (came with burner)which does not
allow for chapter point creation. However I get around this
by making smaller movies and importing them separately into
MyDVD. I believe there is an option to click "play entire
movie" so one movie plays right after the other. I use MM
to fade in and out to black with each movie. Since the
movies are of my infant and toddler daughters, this
software is all I need. Occasionally there is a little blip
between movies but I can live with it.

I use MyDVD 4.5 too, and find that a menu with 6 videos on it will
automatically play them in sequence if I don't do anything beyond selecting
the first one. The short fade out/in between them is good.

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Hi John
I use Nero 6. Latest version (downloaded regularly). Its an OEM
version so all options may not be available.

I have no problems with the options to go back to menu or go to next
at the end of a given file (though I always choose to go to the next
file anyway).
There are also no problems returning to the menu during a file.

It's if I want to skip to the next file while I am watching one. When
I hit the >| key nothing happens. If I use Nero's option to put
chapter marks within a file and put a chapter mark at the very end of
each file, then when I press >| it skips straight to the next file
(of course its actually skipping to the last frame of the current file
which no one sees).

If there is a more standard way to do it I am very interested. i may
just not have read the tutorials well enough.
My appologies for not being very clear on this:

Nero can play the movies in the order set up on the dvd, or go back to
the menu at the end of a movie (as set up by the author),
However in my experience it does not tab to the next movie when you're
watching (ie the >| key doesn't do anything), rather you either watch
it in the order set up or return to the menu to skip a movie.
I was responding to the comment about jumping in the first post

For example, I want to split up my 2 hour home video into 4 groups so
it is
easier to jump to those groups when you first insert the DVD or while
you are
watching it.

In fact setting a two hour movie up in Nero and breaking it into 24
chapters of say....5 minutes each is very easy.
