
  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger
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Hi everyone,

I just purchased a new memory stick for my Sony CamCorder
TRV-460. The memory stick is put out by Lexar Media. The
only pictures I can bring up on the camera are the ones
the camera takes. I put the stick in my computer and
copied a few .jpeg files, which is the default for the
camera, but the camera doesn't show them, even though
they're in the same folder. Now I've only had the stick a
day or two, but I think I've tried everything I know how,
but I can't seem to bring them up on the camera. Also I
didn't try to re-name, thinking this may cause a problem.
If I put the stick in the computer, everything shows up
just fine. Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in
Hello there,

There is a little trick that the Camera manufacturer does so as to disable one
or more features if you are not using their branded RAM...on my still camera,
when I use some other make of stick I loose the ability to do automated
panorama shots......You are probably suffering from this kind of "persuasion"

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I have had exactly this situation with my Sony TRV30. And
that's with pukka Sony mem sticks. It's the filenames,
for sure. The camera is very fussy - you have to use
exactly the name format that the camera gives when it
takes pics, otherwise it will not see them. For example
mine gives the format DSC00001 onwards. If I upload a pic
to the PC and fiddle with it, rename it Pic 1 or
something, then send it back to the camera, there's no
way the camera will see it. Rename it DSCxxxxx (no
spaces) and it sees it right away.
I'm pretty sure this will do the trick for you -
Mr. Kelly,
thanks for responding. Is there another format I could
use? Another person suggested to name the photo in the
same kind of sequence as the de-fault. On his camera it
works he says,but not on mine. I tried that yesterday. I
tried a .png format hopeing that may work, but no. We
paid quite a bit for this stick, it's a 256 mb. I wish
there was some way I could get this to work, I hate to
have to buy a Sony stick, when I just got this one. If
Sony wants you to just use their mem.-sticks, why don't
they clearly say so? Thanks if you have anymore thoughts,
-----Original Message-----
Hello there,

There is a little trick that the Camera
manufacturer does so as to disable one
or more features if you are not using their
branded RAM...on my still camera,
Hello there,

If you change the format the camera will definitely not work with it and I
guess that would include the naming convention.

With regard to make of Mem Sticks, the company's do say so.....Recommended Part
Numbers and all will very likely find some disclaimer saying if you
use any other part the limited liability will be lost.

CW makes some good comments. I would definitely do what he says, it does not
work for me, I find, but as my camera plays up in different ways if I use 3rd
party memory its no great surprise.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
One other aspect of the file format/naming that might be
tripping it up...I have tested this on my TRV-30 and it
didn't like it... check the source file that you are
copying onto the stick - it may well say it is a jpeg,
but there are several different file extensions that all
fall under the "jpeg" type. If it is .jpe or a .jpeg, the
camera will not see it. It must be only .jpg. So if
necessary, when saving it to the stick, change not only
the name but the extension too.
Other than that, contact whoever sold it to you and ask
if it is supposed to be Sony-compatible!
Hope this helps
Thank you for responding, Formating in camera doesn't
work, not in computer either. They both format, but no
change, same problem I tried that earlier. Do you think I
realy have to get a Snny mem.-stick? Thanks,
Hello there,

Personaly yes. Your situation is much worse than mine, I did not bother getting
mine changed because of that...I would wait at least a couple of days...there
may still be a solution for you.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Roger -
I don't know if you have seen my msge about jpeg file
types yet...anyway here are further thoughts: you talk
about "when the stick is in the computer" - do u have a
card reader hanging off the pc or something? Are u not
able to leave the stick in the camera and connect
straight to the computer by USB? That's the way I always
do it. I'm just wondering if the reader is the rogue
element, rather than the card itself.
the one thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the picture
resolution and size. make sure the "new" pictures your trying to manually
place on the card are the same size and resolution as the pictures taken by
your camera. if they are an odd size or a different resolution your camera
may get confused and just skip them.

Hi everyone,

I just purchased a new memory stick for my Sony CamCorder
TRV-460. The memory stick is put out by Lexar Media. The
only pictures I can bring up on the camera are the ones
the camera takes. I put the stick in my computer and
copied a few .jpeg files, which is the default for the
camera, but the camera doesn't show them, even though
they're in the same folder. Now I've only had the stick a
day or two, but I think I've tried everything I know how,
but I can't seem to bring them up on the camera. Also I
didn't try to re-name, thinking this may cause a problem.
If I put the stick in the computer, everything shows up
just fine. Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in
The JPEG files that are made by your camera are slightly different JPEGs
than normal ones (originating from an image program on the computer etc).
Most digital cameras use EXIF info fields to stuff alot of information about
the picture, when it was shot, what camera was used, what settings and
lighting conditions existed at that time etc.

It may be that your camera is looking for the 'camera model' field or
something similar and rejecting your vanila jpgs which dont have that field.

Another important field in the EXIF structure is thumbnails of several sizes
(can be quite big). It may be that your camera is not trying anything smart
but only shows one of these thumbnails in the preview mode and not the
original image. In this situation not havig this exif field would translate
automatically to not being able to see the preview.

I have an old Sony P71 still camera which wont show the thumbnail view if
the exif doesnt have it but the full preview works with any image. I had to
deal with this situation some time ago as I wanted to take a slide show of
small size (640x480) images to somewhere. Without the thumbnails it was a
lot difficult to fast forward/reverse in the slideshow. Anyway i found a few
utilities on the internet which allowed me to edit/modify/add the exif info
in images. What I did was copy an exif structure form one of the original
images and pasted it to all my exif-less jpgs. Obviosuly it was all false
data but i didnt need that anyway. I had to update the size and thumbnail
fields with a script; otherwise all of them showed the same thumb view :).
Afterwards camera was then able to show them in all different thumbnail

Sorry but I can not recall the exact names of these tools as it was long ago
and a google search shows so many results to scan through... I will leave
that exercise to you if you are interested.
Thank you for your note. 640 pix. W X 480 height.
Resolution. 120. The format is .jpeg. I set these
specks. yesterday, but still the same thing.
Interesting. I had assumed that the images
showed up if he used the Sony memory stick, but
not if he used a 3rd party memory stick.

But after reading his post again, I see that he
never actually did say that.

Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Roger's camera may be different, but this (lack of EXIF info) doesn't seem to
upset my Sony TRV-30. I saved a jpeg off a website, gave it a name in the
format that I knew the camera would be happy with, sent it across the USB
connection and it was visible in the camera without any problems.