Likely you are also seeing a lot of hard drive activity. This is what is
slowing you down. The more ram you have the less the computer has to rely
on the swap file for memory management. The swap file is used as auxillary
memory but it is 200 times slower than ram (probably more). I like to quote
Mark Minasi on how to tell when to add more memory; "If you turn on the
computer and the lights don't dim, add more ram." 256mb will make a
difference. 512mb should run XP very comfortably.
Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
Steve Healey said:
my pc currently runs xp but it seems slower than when 98 was on it.
I have 128 ram. Do ineed to increase this and if so to or by how much