I'm looking into getting the A8V board to use with the Athlon64 3200+
Since this board has a integrated dual-channel memory controller
I'm currently deciding between the Corsair TwinX (2 x512 - CAS 2) and the
Kingston Value RAM (2x512 - CAS 3); both being PC3200 - 400MHz modules.
Will I see a significant difference between in performance? Will the CAS
rating still be
a factor with the integrated on-board controller?
Thanks for your input!
Since this board has a integrated dual-channel memory controller
I'm currently deciding between the Corsair TwinX (2 x512 - CAS 2) and the
Kingston Value RAM (2x512 - CAS 3); both being PC3200 - 400MHz modules.
Will I see a significant difference between in performance? Will the CAS
rating still be
a factor with the integrated on-board controller?
Thanks for your input!