Memory useage steadily climbing

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I use the sidebar gadget that measures CPU usage and memory usage, with ease.
Very simple yet, so useful. Windows is running great, performance is close to
the day I installed it. ((Dave has always had luck with getting Microsoft
products to work good... I just have the touch)) But recently, At first when
the system starts up, memory useage hanged around 23% for the longest time.
In the past few weeks the 23% has risen to about 52%. A driver update, and
the updates provided my Microsoft are the only things installed on this
machine since that magicall memory allocation age of 23%. I have noticed a
slight degradation in raw performance. ((4 minutes to get to login + 1 minute
to load everything up.)) I am not having a fit over it, since every version
of windows has done this to me, so I am used to this happening. Now that my
poking and proding has a better chance of being heard, I can blab about
it.... Anyways, what is the deal with that? I have a couple of theories, but
I'll save that for when someone cares to hear about it.
My cobra went crazy because I play the wrong tune and it hit me in the eye
with it''s teeth.

P4-530 3.0 Ghz
Nvidia GeForce 6600GT
ASUS P5 P-800
ATI TV-Wonder Elite
Motorola L7 SLVR
The sidebar had a large memory leak back in Alpha, it's possible it still
isn't 100% fixed.