WiFi discovery not needed on a wireless network? Hmmmmmm.......... Are you
sure he's not running wireless? Although admittedly, some do and some don't
and it's not necessarily needed in all instances and in some instances must
be disabled.
Are you sure he's not doing web publishing?
How do you know he's not running themes?
In default configuration portable media serial number is already set to
You dodged the question rather lamely. Did you ask the OP what he was doing
with the machine? Remember that in this forum your assumption can be an
absolute disaster for the reader.
Giving advice on what services are not necessary without asking a single
question is extremely risky. Another issue is with cascading dependencies.
Disable/set to manual certain services and you wind up disabling more than
you bargain for with the possible result that the machine is not bootable.
And in some instances the loss of functionality isn't immediately apparent.
If you're into gaming, some games actually depend on the indexing service.
Although you can see *some* of the dependencies, not all are readily
apparent contrary to popular opinion. Disabling 3rd party services is
generally a non-issue, but start playing blindly with MS services and you're
begging for a world of hurt.
Walter Clayton - MS MVP(WinXP)
Associate Expert
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.