I was watching for changes in memory by stepping through code and using the
Gc.GetTotalMemory() method. How accurate it is, I dunno. I was just
stepping through each variable and recording the delta. that gave me my
estimated variable size.
I recorded it into an excel spreadsheet and watched as I created my loop. I
don't know how often the gc is called in debug, but I'm assuming not very
often (because memory did keep growing.)
Now I know according to a couple articles I read yesterday that the GC is
only called when required, i.e. when memory is low or another .net app
starts requesting resources.
So as I record my findings, I start to have some really basic questions
about what I'm doing.
First, TypeSafe Event Handlers using delegates...
I call
AddHandler myClassName.MyEvent, New MyEventHandler(AddressOf
afterwards I remove it with
RemoveHandler myClassName.MyEvent, New MyEventHandler(AddressOf
Is this wrong? should I not be calling a function pointer on the remove,
should I just use the AddressOf Operator?
2nd.. Declaring eventArgs. Should I?
a) Declare a local variable and then raise, or
b) create the variable within the event raise..
Dim e as MyEventArgs
e = new MyEventArgs(myArg1,myArg2)
RaiseEvent myEvent(me,e)
e = nothing
RaiseEvent myEvent(me, new MyEventArgs(myArg1,myArg2))
Also, I noticed that calling a Try actually takes up 8k of memory, is this
because it uses the API Function GetLastWindowsError? Should I reduce the
amount of Try/Catch's I use? I remember reading something by Gunnerson I
believe regarding this type of error checking having large overhead.
I do have a nearly 50 meg dataset (required, would be alot bigger if not
filtered) and I did call GC.Collect once, which reduced it down some, but I
do'nt know if anything was promoted to Gen1 or Gen2 in the mean time.
Didn't check that.
Weird thing, I saw application.DoEvents calls take up 8k of memory, figured
that was because of a thread swap or something.
So, here is my question. Now as this thing goes on, memory just keeps
getting consumed, up to about a gig (well higher, my commit charge rises to
2.5 gig overall) and I'm destorying variables, disposing classes and
clearing datasets, yet memroy never seems to be reclaimed. I tried calling
the GC often and was monitoring that with a memory profiler by SciTech.
That is firing just fine. And it reclaims a "little" memory, but maybe only
a meg at best. So this thing keeps going to a gig.
So my last option as I see it is to set my MaxProcessSize (I think thats
what the method is) to like 200 meg, but I'm worried about this affecting
performance. I jsut know the machiens this will run on don't have the
horsepower mine does, and certainly can't pop up a gig. I'm continuing to
try to streamline it more, but don't know what else I can do...
Advice would be appreciated.