humm, i also did something like your doing i had 533mhz ram and went to 600
something didn't have a problem but 533 to 800mhz is a big difference, it
could wear out the ram, the way the guy who sold it to me at compusa put it,
think of it as a frequency on your ac outlet the current frequency is 60mhz
for 120volts not 115volts although 115volts will work on 120, but that's not
the issue here, now in europe it's 50mhz what do you think will happen if
you take a device from overthere and use them here, well they will burn out
from getting the power too quick, now if you take our device and use them
over there our device will burn up slowly cuz they aren't getting the
correct power frequency, not to mention over there it's 240volts at 50mhz
not 120(so being electrocuted over really really hurts, trust me i once had
10000 volts running though me it hurts like h*ll, fortunatly amps were very
low so didn't get killed)
Jonathan Perreault
Personnal Advice To You:
#1: Do Not Undermine Windows's Work, Or It'll Undermine You As A User.
#2: Torture Windows (Any) Now Before It Tortures You
Best Comments From Users:
No Matter The Problem Even With Linux, It's Microsoft's And Windows's Faults
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.