Hello, on the weekend I was cleaning out an old house and came across
a box of memory modules, about 30 in all. They have Kingston labels
on them which says KTM-1159 ce. They have 10 chips on each side and 72
pins per side. Does anyone know what this ram type is used for?
Someone told me it could be from a server? If so let me know and I can
give it to someone, or just toss it if it's crap. thanks
a box of memory modules, about 30 in all. They have Kingston labels
on them which says KTM-1159 ce. They have 10 chips on each side and 72
pins per side. Does anyone know what this ram type is used for?
Someone told me it could be from a server? If so let me know and I can
give it to someone, or just toss it if it's crap. thanks