Im using net cf 2 with sp2.
I'm working with Remote Performance Monitor .
For the simplicity, I want to know how and if I can do this :
I have 4 forms in my app :
When My app is starting with frmMain only, the memory used size is X .
then, im creating frm1, using it, and destroy it. (also dispose each control
in the end).
then, im creating frm2, using it, and destroy it. (also dispose each control
in the end).
then, im creating frm3, using it, and destroy it. (also dispose each control
in the end).
the last 3 stages im doing 10 times.
I notice with the Remote Performance Monitor :
1. there is no memory leaks if create and destory the frm1,frm2,frm3 10
times. (and that's OK)
2. even after destroy frm1,frm2,frm3 , the memory use will always be bigger
then it was when the application started with frmMain only (size X).
about section 2 :
There is no memory leaks , but How can i free ALL the memory that used when
created by frm1, frm2, frm3 ?
The problem are statring when i want to create frm4(four) but i get OUT OF
MEMORY execption if i used frm1,frm2,frm3 and destroy them.
Im using net cf 2 with sp2.
I'm working with Remote Performance Monitor .
For the simplicity, I want to know how and if I can do this :
I have 4 forms in my app :
When My app is starting with frmMain only, the memory used size is X .
then, im creating frm1, using it, and destroy it. (also dispose each control
in the end).
then, im creating frm2, using it, and destroy it. (also dispose each control
in the end).
then, im creating frm3, using it, and destroy it. (also dispose each control
in the end).
the last 3 stages im doing 10 times.
I notice with the Remote Performance Monitor :
1. there is no memory leaks if create and destory the frm1,frm2,frm3 10
times. (and that's OK)
2. even after destroy frm1,frm2,frm3 , the memory use will always be bigger
then it was when the application started with frmMain only (size X).
about section 2 :
There is no memory leaks , but How can i free ALL the memory that used when
created by frm1, frm2, frm3 ?
The problem are statring when i want to create frm4(four) but i get OUT OF
MEMORY execption if i used frm1,frm2,frm3 and destroy them.