Just as well. Memory managers were intended to compensate for the weaknesses
in early versions of Windows. Now that MS has **real** operating systems
(2000, XP, 2003), there's no need for third-party memory managers.
If you think you need a memory manager for XP, what you may **really** need
is more memory.
Or pehaps another solution is to go to win 2000 if you have it. Higher
versions of Windows get bigger and use more resources. I don't know of
anything I can't do with win 2000 that I could do with XP so why use a
reource intensive os. But Idon't play games.
My experience with Windows 200 is very reliable (unlike 95-98-me) and
when I occassionally run XP which was supplied with the notebook, I
get much more problems. I have a similar amount of memory and don't
see problems.
The ony problem is getting drivers for a notebook and all it's bits.
It took a few days of hard work trying and searching but pretty much
everything works fine eventually even though Compaq assured me it
wasn't possible. (They also said it's not possible to partion the HDD
.... thanks Compaq)
David. 1keytools.
Software author. (please edit my email addr. to prove you're not a dumb 'bot)
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