Bill Green
We have an aspnet application that all of a sudden starts building up
memory, I attached a debugger and other then the normal there was a ton of
the following. I am trying to narrow down where this is comming from. Were
using a few COM componets right now for minuplating images. Is the below
saying that it is comming from some code using the system.drawing class or
is it an interop to one of those components?
HANDLE(RefCnt):166f2090: sizeof(0ddd3514) = 2683456 (0x28f240) bytes
memory, I attached a debugger and other then the normal there was a ton of
the following. I am trying to narrow down where this is comming from. Were
using a few COM componets right now for minuplating images. Is the below
saying that it is comming from some code using the system.drawing class or
is it an interop to one of those components?
HANDLE(RefCnt):166f2090: sizeof(0ddd3514) = 2683456 (0x28f240) bytes